Wynter K Miller


Wynter K Miller is the Managing Editor at Electric Literature, where she supports the publication of two literary magazines: The Commuter (flash prose, poetry, and graphic narrative) and Recommended Reading (short stories and novel excerpts). She also edits and acquires fiction for Recommended Reading; recent work for the magazine includes "What a Body Is Good For," "Dumb Animals," "King of All Hogs," and "Group Sex." Previously, Wynter served as a contributing editor, Interim Books Editor, and Associate Editor at Electric Lit, and was the Managing Editor of Forum Literary Magazine.

Wynter began her career in academic publishing, with a focus on narrative medicine and bioethics. She was a senior editor for the UC Davis Law Review, a print publication ranked in the top tier of legal journals in the United States, and her own writing appears in Washington & Lee Law Review, Tennessee Law Review, and UC Davis Law Review, among others. Her work has been recognized with four Witkin Awards for Best Essay, as well as a Hopkin’s Award Honorable Mention for most accomplished work. After earning her JD in 2017, Wynter completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health in the Department of Bioethics, where she provided developmental editing for works in progress and published her own work in premier academic and medical journals, including Annals of Internal Medicine and American Journal of Bioethics.

Currently, Wynter’s editorial focus is fiction—short stories and novel-length works—but she occasionally accepts creative nonfiction projects. She is particularly interested in character-driven writing that is set in reality but acknowledges the surreality of the human experience. Historical fiction and child narrators are tough, but not impossible, sells.